Sarah Logan, MS, RD, CPT

Sarah is a fitness and nutrition expert dedicated to help you reach your fat loss and performance goals with confidence!

How I can help you!

1:1 Fitness and Nutrition Programs

My VIP offer, 1:1 coaching delivers the ultimate transformation for those wanting to have a completely customized nutrition and fitness plan with the utmost accountability.

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My signature group program and course

This program will give you every tool you need to see fat loss and keep it off! As my flagship program, I offer weekly workouts, full program course and guide, and weekly accountability calls with the Confident Body community!

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Mini course on how to conquer your sugar cravings (COMING SOON!)

Hey, I'm Sarah.

I'm a registered dietitian and personal trainer from the Orlando area.

I specialize in fat loss/metabolic health (including diabetes and high cholesterol), reverse dieting, and sports nutrition.

I'll help you get a lean physique with the science I learned in my 6 years+ of education and blend it with the experience I have working with clients to build sustainable habits that leave you confident without crazy restrictions or hours of cardio.

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Grab a Free Recipe Guide!

Some of my favorite healthy recipes that I regularly recommend! Easy ideas and multiple options for each meal.


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